
Infrastructural Urbanism - Stan Allen
This was part of our reader this year. Kind of sums up the territory remap is concerned with - not really related to this events months, but well worth a read.

Mapping crime in every city of the planet

http://www.guardian.co.uk/news/datablog+uk/ukcrime - A great source of data on all sorts, not only crime

http://www.murdermap.co.uk/ - slightly morbid but a good example of google map overlay in London

http://www.trulia.com/real_estate/New_York-New_York/ - if you click "crime" it shows a great shaded map of violent crime in relation to house prices,221 - great mapping service that offers a route of least surveilance through New York. "i-see" makes the point that CCTV cameras are very invasive and offers a solution to this loss of your privacy.

http://www.wired.com/politics/security/news/2001/11/48664?currentPage=all# - an article about "i-see" on the Wired website.

Walk. John Dalton Building- Manchester Museum = 18 cameras


Cameras on top of palace hotel - oxford rd.

Crime Data

Essential Police Crime Data Stats in map form:
All areas available by street and neighbourhood at:

BBC 3 Documentary

http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b01glw34Maybe worth a watch /// "The film reveals the new ways in which camera-phones, CCTV and social networking are changing our experience of violent crime."

Intro Presentation

The presentation from 18/04/12 is published here - for anyone who couldn't make it. If you need reference for the Stoke or Croydon projects which we showed they are at the link location as well.